Point Molate Can Grow Us into Lovers

a free verse poem for riparian: the banks of our love

Samantha Wallen
2 min readApr 14, 2022


Pipe at Pt. Molate by Samantha Wall

when praise continues to flow
we watch the fence come down
veins of rusted pipe rewound
from the ground so wild
hillsides can bust a gut
fill a crumbling asphalt rut
with laughter like the quake
of Eucalyptus trees a chorus
of leaves singing oceanic breeze
bending bodies of limbs
into sacred hymns of moving
closer to what is

when praise continues to flow
hearts become seagulls
catching light with
white belly flight
wings tipped black
not by stacks of carpet
squares soaked in oil
only the coil of creation
unfolding a grand configuration
of the dark and bright complexity
of things

when praise continues to flow
everyone the land has come to know
can answer the call to gather
in every kind of weather and listen



Samantha Wallen

Poet, writer, writing & book coach — Seeking to restore the soul of our world one word at a time…