Member-only story
to become
a free verse poem for Crucible: the stone womb of elderhood
The transformation that follows is for sure, in some ways about shape-shifting: about taking on new forms, remembering that we are two-legged animals, learning a new way of being in the world, a new tuning-in to the rhythms and seasons of this planet. Only then can we truly become creatures of this Earth; only then can we begin to feel a sense of belonging to it. — Sharon Blackie, Hagitude
for Earth
when word becomes mushroom
language a tree
mind coral reef
when sentence becomes river
longing an ocean
wonder bee
when paragraph becomes sweetgrass
opinion a petal
desire wind
when story becomes ecosystem
heart an elephant
conflict eggshell
when book becomes earth
pen an eel
ego nest
there will be a literature
of restoration
This poem is the twenty-second in a series titled, Crucible: the stone womb of elderhood, a poetic collaboration for National…