to the lost poem

a poem in haiku for Crucible: the stone womb of elderhood

Samantha Wallen
2 min readApr 25, 2023


Photo by Eliyah Reygaerts on Unsplash


city of hard chairs
back pain, field of resistance
it’s safe here in bed


a new mattress too
soft, so i sink way down in
the sun shine so loud


there is a fresh poem
and lavishly buttered toast
turning me so soft


subtle body thoughts
digging into my earth heart
seeking acreage


FedEx, Vet, Staples
five other stops, email trail
forty miles long


crescent moon hangs low
that bright planet disappeared
my poem went with it

This poem is the twenty-fourth in a series titled, Crucible: the stone womb of elderhood, a poetic collaboration for National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) with Samantha Wallen and Michelle Puckett.



Samantha Wallen

Poet, writer, writing & book coach — Seeking to restore the soul of our world one word at a time…