What Does it Mean to Write In Power?

Samantha Wallen
5 min readMay 15, 2017

What is available if you dive down into the core and touch the deeper self through writing?

What’s available to society when you do this?

What becomes available to you first is a flow — a letting down — a relaxing. It’s as if you’ve finally opened a door to a room where you’ve always wondered what’s inside, a room you’ve been drawn to enter, but are afraid to go in. There is a relief, an immense relief when you finally unlock the door and flip the light on to see that it’s not as scary as you thought. In fact it’s warm, inviting, and there are cozy places to sit down and interesting things to be found there.

From relief comes relaxation, the tightening of your body, your spirit, and your mind eases. You become limber. When you are limber your flexibility increases. You become better able to respond to all of life with ease.

Holding in, holding back, or hiding what you don’t want to see, or what you don’t want others to see, is exhausting. It takes a lot of energy. When you relax the hold, you get a tremendous amount of energy back.

With that energy comes gratitude. Gratitude is the foundation of love and is even said to have a stronger energetic frequency. When you are in gratitude, when you are grateful, you become generous you have more to give and you actually become a resource for creating more of what’s needed for yourself and for others. It could be attention, kindness, a new thought or perspective, gentle words, an idea that you haven’t had before, an insight, a solution to a problem, or simply the ability to relax and listen fully and take in the presence of another human being because you are in your own presence.

This is connection. You become a resource for connection.

When you are connected you make decisions that benefit the whole picture, rather than decisions that benefit only you or a small part of the whole. You stop coming from a place of deficiency or comparison and you start to be curious, intrigued, and even delighted by who other people are and what they are doing.

You enter a state of honesty. It takes a lot of energy to lie about who you really are, to hold a façade, or to lie by omission, which is to not include or reveal the whole picture of who you are including how you sometimes resent the people you admire most, how you hide your belief in magic or withhold what you know deep in your bones because you want everyone to like you. Again, this is a type of holding and it takes tremendous energy.

What energy are you wasting or hoarding by getting stuck in fear and comparison?

What energy are you wasting by holding a view of yourself that isn’t real? Isn’t complete? Isn’t fully honest?

If you are not letting the things you don’t want revealed to be seen, you are also not letting the things you do want seen by others to be revealed. Your own relaxed, flexible, generous presence and at ease spirit can’t come forward and be seen by you or anyone else in the ways that are truly moving and impactful.

“Creation is the ultimate resistance, the ultimate refusal to accept things as they are.” — Starhawk

When you make a choice to embark and go down into the core of your life through writing, you engage in the ultimate act of resistance which is creation.

To create is to refuse to accept things as they are. To create is to consciously bring about new ideas, new insights, new solutions, and new possibilities for life.

To make the choice to go down into the core of life through writing is to embark on a journey of developing and living from a fundamental Self-trust and Source-trust.

Self-trust is to completely trust yourself and your life just as it is. It is to know that it is right, that all of you and your experience is right down to every last molecule and moment. You trust in your fundamental goodness and that you can count on it to be just as it is. This Self-trust allows you to feel at ease, at peace, relieved, and grateful no matter what is taking place outside of you.

This is the holy grail–to be able to trust yourself and your life completely.

This is what changes urgency into eternity.

Source-trust is an expanded part of this. Not only are you trusting yourself, you are trusting a deeper source within you that is the conductor, the orchestrator, the composer writing all the parts of the symphony that is the harmonic movement of your life.

With Source-trust, you trust in the fundamental goodness of your very aliveness and that the grand mystery of that is at work in your life in ways you cannot fully understand and that are well beyond you and your ideas. You learn how to relax into that–into the bigger picture without complete control, comprehension or understanding.

“Energy, like water, has power to shape only when it is in motion. Damned, it stagnates, and evaporates.” — Starhawk

Choosing to do this work of going into the core of life through writing is to set your own energy in motion so it can shape new realities and possibilities.

When you embark on this journey you come to know the inherent worth of your own life- your fundamental value, based simply on your aliveness. From there you value the worth of every human being, every living thing- and from that place you can never shame or shun another or deny them care, love, dignity.

This is the heart of activism. If you do not start here, with yourself, you will only go out and recreate the very same oppressive, destructive, and devaluing patterns you wish to alleviate.

Language is political You must write your life in your own language because it creates the framework for what you see and how you experience it.

To consciously engage in this journey of going down into the core of your life through writing is to enter the mystical dimensions of your ordinary life. This is what we have lost. We have lost touch with the wonder and mystery of our own lives.

To Write In Power is to keep coming back to this truth each time you forget:

You are sacred.

Your value cannot be ranked in a hierarchy or compared to the value of another human being.

Your worth does not have to be earned, acquired, or proven.

Your value is inherent in your very existence.

This previously appeared on my Write In Power Blog www.writeinpower.com



Samantha Wallen
Samantha Wallen

Written by Samantha Wallen

Poet, writer, writing & book coach — Seeking to restore the soul of our world one word at a time…

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